
It has not been unnoticed – The United Kingdom has left the European Union on January 31 2020.
Since then a transition period started for UK and EU to come with an agreement as to how the parties will seperate.

Since early 2019, and maybe even already before, LBP Rotterdam BV has decided to make use of the Customs Expertise that we have had in-house for Years.
To help our clients and our potential clients with the transition from free circulation to customs arrangements from January 2021.

That has worked.
With clients and Partners we have set up a BREXIT TEAM and we have been preparing for the new situation effective January 1 2021.

We have found the right Partners in the UK to be of help in any UK Port of entrance and departure for customs formalities and to assist with inspections and other Borders Patrols that could potentially be effective from 2021.
Some inspections will not be done until the 2nd Quarter of the Year, others even not before the 3rd Quarter but there are potential border inspections for some high-risk materials from day 1.

LBP can assist.
Should you have any questions about Brexit, what to do or not do or what you need to be able to export to, or import from, the United Kingdom, you are very welcome to send us an email:


We will reply to your questions as soon as possible.