School children visiting LBP
“Eating Healthy” was the title of a national school scheme that took place for very young school children.
To make them aware of all the benefits of eating healthy food and also to teach them awareness of where these products come from.
School “De Driemaster” from Hook of Holland made contact with LBP to connect and to see how we can play a role in this project.
We received a visit of two groups of 25 children each to our facilities on February 21st.
To make them familiar with the fresh product that we deal with every single day, to help them understand that fruit does not grow in the supermarket and that bananas are not born in a box.
LBP showed some videos about fruit, about what LBP does with the fruit and guided them on a small tour through the offices.
The children also experienced some of the warehouse activities, saw the pallets being loaded and unloaded and felt that the warehouse had a different temperature as the offices.
Of course the children were given some of the fresh fruit to taste.
LBP Rotterdam BV worries about the world, especially that around us.