It was November 2014 when LBP Rotterdam BV was selected as one of the 10 winners of the Orange Trade Mission Fund Awards (Oranje Handelsmissiefonds prijzen).
Over 200 Companies participated and only 10 Companies were selected by the Ministry of Foreign Trade, ING Bank and the MKB Nederland, the corporation of Dutch Medium Sized Companies.
All Companies had their eye on working Overseas and they all had their pitch on one particular country of interest.
As all winners were looking to investigate export options in their countries of their choice, LBP made the exception of choosing Colombia to sell the services we offer in Europe.
Since we became winners, as said November 2014, we travelled to Colombia a few times, twice as participants of Trade Missions but also as individual travelers.
We also started cooperation with Holland House (initially a spin off of Royal Dutch Embassy that helps Dutch Companies doing business in Colombia) that helped LBP to investigate the options in the Market.
Long before LBP won the Award, we were already working for some Colombian Exporters of Fresh Produce for some Years.
During the Awards Ceremony this November 2016, when again 10 Companies were awarded the Orange Trade Mission Fund Price, LBP was asked to play a role.
As “experts in the field of award winning” we were asked for our experiences.
The event also gave us the option to show our success in trade with the Country of our Pitch – Colombia.
Ocati – exporters of Fresh exotic Fruits from Colombia and customer of LBP for Years – was kind enough to support us on the Event by presenting their product PHYSALIS to all the visitors and participants of the event that took place in the KLM Hangar at Schiphol Airport.
Once a winner of the Orange Trade Mission Fund… always a winner.