Citrus Imports in EU

Citrus Imports in EU

According to a new European regulation all Citrus fruits need to be free from leaves and stems.
This requirement is set because of the CITRUS TRISTEZA VIRUS that has been detected in the stem of the citrus fruit and is a concern for European growing areas of Citrus.

Until now the Inspectors have not acted or blocked any arrival because of the uncertainty of the admitted length of the stem on the citrus fruits,
The SCOPAFF Plant Health Committee in Brussels have decided that the allowed length of the stem on the fruit AT IMPORTATION IN EU can be MAX. 2 mm ( millimetre) ( see attached Annex VII – point 57 –)
Annex VII point 57

From December 1st 2021 all shipments of Citrus arriving from non-EU countries, that contain citrus fruits of which the stems exceed this set maximum length, will be refused arrival.
This means that stems, longer than 2 mm, need to be removed from the fruit ( and sent to the Laboratory for testing ) after which the fruit can be presented for re-inspection and (hopefully) allowed to enter the EU.

It is important to realize that the Governmental Inspection Bodies have started to block these shipments from this week onwards.
Take Your necessary precautions but be advised that this can potentially happen to all of the Citrus arrivals of which 100% are selected for inspection.

Any questions, let us know and we will try and see how to assist.